Robson family name

Having looked aroung the internet, here's the origin's of the name "Robson".

"House of Names"

According to House of Names:

Spelling variations include: Robson, Robison, Robeson, Robisonn and others.

First found in Northumberland where they were seated from early times and their first records appeared on the early census rolls taken by the early Kings of Britain to determine the rate of taxation of their subjects.

Some of the first settlers of this name or some of its variants were: Robert Robson and Jane settled in Georgia with three children in 1775; Rowland Robson settled in Virginia in 1716; Charles, James, John, Mathew, Robert, Thomas Robson all arrived in Philadelphia between 1840 and 1870.

(Above is a small excerpt from our 1800 word history)

Motto: Justus esto. Translated: Be just. 


According to a certain Ian Robson at this site:

The ancient history of the ROBSON surname

The Robson clan were descendents from Robb Gunn, son of George Gunn, the Crowner of Scotland and to this day the Gunn tartan is often worn. Their territories were at Middlesknowes and Owston in Tyndale, Liddesdale, West Teviotdale. Like many other border clans they held territories on both sides of the border. They formed a violent consortium with the English Charltons, Dodds and Milburns, and were one of the notorious of all border clans. North of the border they were tenants of the Abbey of Kelso. The Robsons were frequently at fued with the Armstrongs, but friendly with the Taylors and Musgraves, other important border clans. The Robsons moved north in the 17th century with their sheep as part of the Highland Clearance. After 1650 many of the clan disbanded and moved south into Holtby in Yorkshire and Lancashire and Bishop Wearmouth in Durham.
The most ancient grant of a Coat of Arms found was: Blue with a chevron between three boars heads, with the Crest being a boars head.
The ancient family Motto for this distinguished name was: "Justus Esto, Et Non Metue" "Be just and fear not"

General Points

It appears that there are three main branches in the Robson family:
  1. Scottish part of the clan
  2. English settled people
  3. Irish settled people
The Irish settled parts appear to have adopted a crest with three deers rather than 3 boar's heads.
The Irish part appears to have the motto of just "Justo Esto".
Some irony is that the Robson clan was apparently arch enemies with the Armstrong clan, however my paternel Grandfather was a Robson & my maternelle Grandmother was an Armstrong. And so peace did rein...

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